Late breaking information



Congres Nieuwe Masters Musicologie 25/10/2013

Date: October 25, 2013
Place: Nieuwe doelenstraat 16, Amsterdam - room 101A

On Friday, October the 25th 2013, we are organising a conference in which recently graduated students (or those that will graduate in the near future) will present their work. In the past we still used to have a 'defence' of MA thesis - a practice which no longer makes sense because we have to hand in the grade to the administration long before the defence. And in a more distant past there was a conference of recently graduated students. However, since two years now we have revived the graduates' conference, to give them the opportunity to talk about their MA theses to a wider public and to fellow graduates. We know that family and friends may want to come and indeed they are most welcome. But they will have to accept that celebrations cannot take place on the spot. For those who will speak in the morning this means waiting till lunch, for the afternoon speakers it has to be at the end of the day. A minor inconvenience, but I'm sure the speeches will be well worth the wait.
The full program is going to be posted here soon, with abstracts and timetable.


Arabic Music in Western Ears: An Account of the Music of the Hejaz at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Colloquium Muziekwetenschap
Anne van Oostrum

September 19, 15:30-17:00
Universiteitstheater, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16, zaal 3.01

Between c. 1905 and 1909, the Dutch Arabist Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857–1936) was responsible for making what are now known as the oldest recordings of music and speech of the Hejaz on wax cylinders by means of an Edison phonograph. Snouck Hurgronje’s perception and appreciation of Arabic music are studied as expressed in his work Mekka (1888-1889) and in his commentary on some songs included in his collection of wax cylinders. Firstly, the views of Guillaume-André Villoteau (1759-1839) and Edward Lane (18011876), his predecessors in the field of the study of Arabic music, will be viewed, then opinions of the musicologists and composers of his time will be sketched and finally Snouck Hurgronje’s comments on his recordings will be discussed.